Aboitiz Equity Ventures Inc. (AEV) is steadfast in its commitment to uphold the highest standards of corporate governance. The AEV Manual on Corporate Governance serves as the cornerstone for the company’s dedication to transparency, accountability, and ethical business practices.


Amended multiple times since its inception, the most recent being on February 23, 2022, this manual encapsulates the principles and best practices that guide the company’s Board of Directors, management, and employees towards achieving the company’s strategic goals.


The manual outlines a comprehensive compliance system, designating a Chief Compliance Officer responsible for ensuring adherence to applicable laws, regulations, and corporate principles. It details the composition and duties of the Board of Directors, emphasizing the importance of independent and diverse board membership to foster balanced decision-making.


Furthermore, it includes policies on performance assessment, information security, sustainability, and the communication process, ensuring that all stakeholders are well-informed and engaged. The manual also addresses the rights and benefits of shareholders, ensuring their active participation and protection of their interests.


By institutionalizing these governance practices, AEV not only aims to enhance its corporate performance but also to maintain its reputation as a trustworthy and ethical business partner, thereby creating long-term value for all its stakeholders.


For more detailed information, please refer to the full Manual on Corporate Governance available on our website.