Aboitiz Foundation, Aboitiz Land, and CORA Foundation join forces for Coastal Conservation

    Aboitiz Foundation, Aboitiz Land, and CORA Foundation join forces for Coastal Conservation

    COMMITMENT TO THE ENVIRONMENT. (from left to right) Aboitiz Land Senior AVP for Legal & Corporate Affairs Atty. Misch Sta. Ana, Cora Foundation Founder and Executive Director Antoinette Cherish Taus and Aboitiz Foundation President and Chief Operating Officer Maribeth Marasigan signed a Memorandum of Agreement which aims to reinforce their partnership in coastal conservation.


    In a significant move towards environmental conservation and sustainability, the Aboitiz Foundation, Aboitiz Land, and the Communities Organized for Resource Allocation (CORA) Foundation signed a Memorandum of Agreement on September 13 to further reinforce their commitment to protecting coastal ecosystems and contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

    The signatories include Aboitiz Foundation President and COO Maribeth Marasigan, Aboitiz Land Senior AVP of Legal and Corporate Affairs Atty. Misch Sta. Ana, and Cora Foundation Founder and Executive Director Antoinette Taus. 

    The partnership’s core objective is to unify the strengths and resources of Aboitiz Land, Aboitiz Foundation, and Cora Foundation in implementing the “Coastal Clean Up 2.0” in Calubcub II, San Juan, Batangas, the host community of Aboitiz Land’s Seafront Residences. The Coastal Clean Up 2.0  includes the implementation of Capacity Development (CapDev) initiatives, as well as the Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) activities, focused on environmental protection. These efforts target not only the local host communities but also the other stakeholders too.

    “With the enduring support of Aboitiz Foundation and CORA Foundation, we are excited to embark on the Coastal Clean Up 2.0 initiative at Seafront Residences. Our strides are bolstered by the expertise of CORA, an organization celebrated for efforts in coastal conservation.” Atty. Misch Sta. Ana said.

    CORA Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to forging sustainable initiatives aimed at addressing pressing global issues including hunger, poverty, inequality, and climate change. With a core emphasis on volunteerism, community involvement, and inclusiveness, CORA’s initiatives prioritize the empowerment of marginalized groups, educational institutions, women, and the younger generation.

    “Nothing can be done without partnerships and collaborations. So to us at CORA, we really feel that this journey is meant to be, and we hope that through this coastal clean up, it will create the spark or the ripple effect towards so much more,” Antoinette Taus said.

    Meanwhile, Aboitiz Foundation President and COO Maribeth Marasigan emphasized the importance of caring for the environment and how our present actions have a direct impact on our future. The Aboitiz Foundation has been in partnership with the CORA Foundation since 2018, jointly driving the Clean Seas Pilipinas initiative, which focuses on sustainable waste management solutions.

    “Caring for the environment transcends mere responsibility; it is an obligation we owe to future generations. Each piece of litter we remove from our shores, each patch of pollution we address, is a step towards safeguarding the delicate balance of our ecosystems. By acting now, we are ensuring a thriving environment for our children and their children.” Maribeth Marasigan said.

    The Aboitiz Group has always placed utmost importance on sustainability and environmental stewardship. This partnership coincides with the annual Clean-up in September. It is an initiative driven by a shared sense of purpose and commitment to create a lasting positive impact on the environment. 

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